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Among the disciplines that come from a mixture of Mathematics and Art, figurative tiling is the most fascinating of all, as there is something magical in seeing
complex identical forms assemble without leaving any gap in between them into infinity. This process requires imagination rather than artistic qualities or geometrical knowledge.
However, the use of the usual 17 symmetry groups in the plane in crystallography is complex and, historically, has been poorly adapted.
This is the reason why I had published "Parcelles d'infini" in 2005 in order to propose a method much better adapted in practice, simple and accessible to all, adults and children
alike. My book, published in 2005, is now out of print. Having recovered my author's rights, and at the request of many «tessellators», you can now find its full content, in French
and in English, under the heading "Tessellation Method". Using English from school (in the sixties!) and a not very good translator, let the readers be indulgent with my
My method use the 35 basic polygons (or so-called isohedral) that do not have rectilinear sides or central symmetry. The only necessary tools for creating objects, animals or human
beings are a pencil, an eraser and some paper. Many colourful tiling examples are illustrated throughout the nine chapters. A full chapter is also dedicated to tiling with words,
which is an idea never explored by Escher and others and up to the publication of my book in 2005.
It's important that artwork,
Just as woman have this gift:
Seduce at first glance,
And enthrall at second.
What does it matter if art is a lie, if it searches the truth;
What does it matter its limitations, if it aims eternity.
The substance needs the form to present itself to men,
the form needs the substance to present itself to God.
Unlike pictorial art in general where too often you do anything, figurative tilings keeps you in the realm of universal natural order. No graphic art has these constraints which forces you to stay close to nature.
Every line you draw goes in this direction and you have to do it and repeat it until the perfection. You are not in control. You share your own requirements with those of the laws of the universe. You don't create.
You are only a revealer. And this is your art.
And because of its specificity to be infinitely reproducible, the figurative tessellation offers the most beautiful approach through imagination, of the absolute and eternity.
Artificial Intelligence is now capable of drawing by imitating the hand of the most famous artists, in all styles (impressionism, classicism, cubism, pointillism, surrealism, etc.). All ? Well no ! Not the one that uses thought, intelligence and reason: art contrary to pictural nonsens, the art of which Escher is the most illustrious representative. And yet, one might believe that if AI is so intelligent, it should through superior reflection surpass the artists who practice this art... Yes, but here you go, Einstein said: “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination». Certainly, the machine has phenomenal knowledge, but where is the imagination? Well this, of course, only belongs to man, like inspiration, intuition, dream... Yes, the dream of exploring the unknown to discover new and marvelous conceptions but having however a certain logic. Rest assured, dear readers, cerebral art is far from being replaced by machines, and that is its glory.