Wonderful work, thank you so much for the complete and informative article! I will forward this to our art teacher who will be thrilled to use it with her class.

Send by Andrew, 13/05/2018 - 21h22
Geometry teacher assigned tessellations as a project and this got me an A!

Send by Buster, 03/05/2018 - 03h35
Juste magnifique ! Merci pour ce partage ( et la jolie photo de Lucky sur le pavage canin )

Send by StephB, 04/04/2018 - 15h56
Magnificent work. Thank you for making it public.

Send by arawak, 15/03/2018 - 09h30
vraiment formidable, ludique et clair. j'adore!

Send by inaya, 05/03/2018 - 00h52
This website changed my life. thank you, you beautiful man.

Send by Jesse, 16/02/2018 - 22h10

Send by Sara, 09/01/2018 - 08h46
Magnifique travail !
Je vais replonger....

Send by C.BOEZ, 31/12/2017 - 18h34
Thank you for this amazing site. I teach middle school and my students love your creations.

Send by David Reeves, 01/12/2017 - 15h52

Send by Cuerpo Negro, 24/11/2017 - 21h39